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Visually Enhance Your Profile With LinkedIn Professional Portfolio

visually enhance your profile with linkedin professional portfolioExpress yourself! LinkedIn seems to be jumping on the band wagon when it comes to visual content on social networks. The social network giant, Facebook, has long made pictures a priority, especially with its billion dollar purchase of Instagram. Twitter’s photo sharing service has gotten exponentially better throughout the years. Pinterest lets you share photos via repins and “likes”. Google + makes photos HUGE in the main feed. There is no doubt about it, pictures and visual content are here to stay. LinkedIn, the world’s largest professional network has been slow to adapt to the new wave of visual interest.

Not anymore though. Now, for the first time, LinkedIn gives you the ability to showcase your unique professional story using rich, visual content on your profile. You can now illustrate your greatest achievements in the form of stunning images, compelling videos, innovative presentations and more. Apparently, the opportunities are limitless for how professionals can use their LinkedIn profile to help showcase their unique stories in a visual way.

How To Start:

To begin sharing your achievements and creations on your profile, select “edit” on your profile then follow the prompts in your “Summary,” “Experience” and “Education” sections. Other members can also “like” or comment on what you’ve posted.

The ability to add your visual content to your profile will begin rolling out to LinkedIn members in English speaking countries today.

How do you plan on sharing your professional stories with visual content? Let us know in the comments section below.


Source: LinkedIn


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